• GoRuck Gear

    I mentioned GoRuck last month in the Member Minutes section but wanted to give you a full review of their gear.  GoRuck is a small company that was started with one thing in mind, to make the best packs and gear available for Special Ops personnel. They do it well. GoRuck gear is also for you, the regular person. If it will handle what Special Ops guys, like Navy Seals, and Green Berets throw at it, it will definitely handle what you can dish out.

    All GoRuck products are handmade in Montana, U.S.A. by Americans. This is really what this column is about. I want to find you the best products that you can buy that are made here in America. Buying American is tough as I have said many times before. You have to look around, read labels, and work to do this. Why?

    I am trying to do my own small part to help the economy, the nation’s security (if you don’t think that national security is a part of a strong economy you might want do some reading) and put Americans to work instead of buying outsourced products. With that said, GoRuck might be the best packs available no matter where they are made.

    They are designed and tested by people who know what works and what doesn’t. They are also tested and guaranteed. GoRuck gear is not cheap, but you get what you pay for. If you are the outdoor type, or even an urban commando who lugs a bunch of stuff around in a cheap backpack, give GoRuck a try. I have always been a fan of buying a quality item once, instead of buying cheap stuff three or four times because it broke. You can be confident that your GoRuck pack will last a lifetime.