I write this article each month to let you know about ways to keep our economy strong. One of the easiest ways is to buy products that are made in the U.S.A. and an even better way so to buy stuff made locally. I usually feature one product each month, but not this one. I’m going to highlight a whole host of stuff this month.
Like many of you, I go to Costco a lot. I usually am getting supplies for the gym, and I ALWAYS look to see where products are made before buying them. Going to Costco makes it easy. Many of their store branded items are made in the U.S.A. I am talking about things like trash bags, laundry detergent, per food and so much more.
This might sound like a commercial for Costco, but it is not. I get nothing from them. I do buy a lot of merchandise from them and will continue to do so. One of the great things about Costco is that they emblazon the “Made in the U.S.A.” logo on their products prominently. This makes it easy to see where your money is going.
Do the U.S.A. a favor and support it. Buy stuff made here.